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RHAWA member forms, powered by Azibo

RHAWA members can now access all RHAWA forms in Azibo and easily create a signature-ready RHAWA lease in minutes.

Get started and activate your RHAWA benefits for freeGet started. It's free!

Exclusive benefits for RHAWA members on Azibo

Easily create a ready-to-sign lease packet

End to end digital experience walks you through entering the key information needed for a lease and prefills the forms for you. Combine multiple documents into lease packet, and then download a signature ready PDF for free or get it eSigned for $9.99.

Lease agreement
Forms and document

Access the full RHAWA forms library in Azibo

Easily find the form you need in a searchable, filterable experience. Form descriptions help guide you to the right form, and you can preview forms before downloading them.

Save time with integrated eSign

Get your RHAWA leases eSigned via Azibo for $9.99 with no additional document upload, data entry, or doc setup required. See signature statuses and get real-time notifications. All eSigned documents are automatically filed for you in Azibo, and are always available to view, print, or download.

eSign integration

Find the right renter with screening designed with RHAWA members in mind

Azibo partners with TransUnion to deliver comprehensive tenant screening for Washington property owners. Our reports include criminal background checks, eviction history, and credit reports, giving you a complete picture of each applicant while ensuring compliance with state and city laws.

What is included in tenant screenings with Azibo?

Credit Check

  • Credit Score
  • SSN verification
  • Previous employment
  • Credit history
  • Accounts in poor standing
  • Level of debt
  • Recent applications for credit

Criminal background checks
* Provided when allowed by law

  • FBI’s most wanted
  • Sex offender
  • Public registries
  • Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC)

Eviction proceedings

  • Tenant judgment for possession and money
  • Unlawful detainers
  • Tenant judgments for small claims

Tenant screening services are free for property owners


For property owners and property managers


For applicants

*Property owners have the option to cover part or all of the screening fee.

Tenant screening with Azibo gives you more

✅     User-friendly platform

✅     Applicants pay for screening reports

✅     Accurate timestamps of reports and tenant action

✅     Select applicants and draft lease agreements quickly

✅     Instantly generate and send an adverse action notice for declined applicants

How to access these benefits in Azibo

Create a Azibo account by clicking through the Azibo page or by connecting your existing Azibo account to your RHAWA account

Access the entire forms library in the “Forms and Documents” section of Azibo.

Easily create signature ready leases and get them eSigned by clicking New Lease. In fewer than 5 minutes you’ll have a signature ready lease!

Questions for Azibo?

Reach out to Azibo new customer specialists at onboarding@azibo.com or call/text them at 855-920-3565 or schedule time for a demo.

Money tree with watering cans

RHAWA members get:

icon checklist clipboard

Up to date legal forms

Access to RHAWA’s complete library of up to date legal forms within Azibo along with Azibo’s end to end digital lease experience using RHAWA forms.
a star

Education & resources

Comprehensive video-based education is included with membership, and a broad selection of additional courses are available online and in-person with generous member pricing. Articles and live staff answer your questions through our online Support Center.
a rocketship

Member networking

Connect with more than 5000 other RHAWA members to discuss issues and get advice. In addition to our online community forum, regional in-person meetings and events are regularly scheduled. Our vendor directory connects housing providers with leading service professionals from finances to building maintenance.
people icon

Advocacy & industry news

Legislative advocacy at the local and state level, including grassroots organization of member involvement. The latest industry news and discussions are provided through our monthly distributed newsletter, blog, podcast, and e-newsletter.

What our customers are saying about Azibo

“Does exactly what I wanted and more! It's getting even better seeing how much they are growing since the beginning. Adding more useful features that I will planned to use one day soon. Very good platform for landlords.”


March 2024

“I love the ease of use, the fact that it's constantly improving, and the straight forward approach to rental property management.”

Yevgeniy Rozinskiy

March 2024

“Azibo has given us a really great way to not only streamline rent collection but at glance be able to tell where our vacancies are and create a way for us to collect rent that’s safe and secure and keeps everything organized.”

Julia Moluf

Best Buddies Living

March 2024

“The platform has matured nicely overtime.It offers a great service to landlords from rent collection to billing for ancillary items as they crop up. Tenants love the easy access and phone notification for payments. I highly recommend Azibo!!!”


February 2024

“We really like the feature where the renter can pay by credit card. We are in the business of helping people and some people don’t have the greatest credit and being able to offer them the opportunity to use their rent as a credit builder is one of the features we really like.”

Camilia Winter

February 2024

“I am using Azibo for several years as I find them to be the most flexible, the most adopting, and with the best carrying customer support. The company is constantly growing and adding new features. Receiving rent is fast and free, setting up leases is easy.”


December 2023

“Automated rent collection- provides reminders to tenants …and free. What’s not to like?”


November 2023

Photo of Azibo's customer - Steven Toth

“Azibo saves me 5-9 hours per month. When I have tenants paying on different days it makes it way more difficult to track. But now I just log into Azibo a few times per month, make sure my transactions are all set correctly, then I’m done. It really saves me a lot of time.”

Steven Toth

May 2023

Photo of Azibo's customer - Andrew Winter

"Before Azibo, I was taking payments on Cash App, Venmo, PayPal, and checks. Now Azibo is the one source of truth for all payments, which makes things easier."

Andrew Winter

May 2023

Photo of Azibo's customer - Jua Mcmillan

“I love the fact that it’s automated and you can pretty much set it and forget it until it’s time to renew the lease.”

Jua Mcmillan

May 2023

“I am relatively new to real estate investing. Currently holding two rental properties. Having Azibo is a real asset. Everything is organized and easy to access. My tenants also like the ease of paying their rent online. Thank you for everything Azibo team.”

Nick A

November 2023